Monday, October 29, 2012

4) Do WORK!

On a Saturday night my family and I went to Times supermarket to shop for groceries and other necessities for the week. We ended up purchasing a lot of food. There was so much food that when we got home, we had a lot of work to do. We had to carry about five to six packages to the second floor of our home. Now, this was no easy task because the stairs to the second floor of our house was long and the inside of each package was filled to the top with canned goods, milk, juice, vegetables, eggs, etc. You name it…we bought it!

Well, this tiring task relates to what we are learning in physics, WORK. Now, work has a very specific meaning in physics. The equation for Work is force multiplied by distance. Work requires two things: force, and motion in the direction of the force. If you are only holding an object overhead motionless rather than lift or change then you are not doing work. However, in this case, as my sister and I carried the bag of groceries up the stairs from the car to the second floor, we were doing work.  The force (our pull on the plastic bags) is in the direction of our motion (upwards).

My sister Cierra carrying some of the groceries up from the car into our house.

Monday, October 8, 2012

3) Swimming in the SECRET cave

Zablands Beach in Nanakuli

      This past Sunday my family and I spent the entire day on the Waianae coast. To start our day off, we had to wake up at 5:00 in the morning to go to my little brother's Tiny Mites football game in Waianae against Nanakuli Hawks at 7:30am. The game was really fun and interesting to watch, but the most fun did not start until we were at the beach.

      After the football game everyone drove to Nanakuli Beach/Zablands to swim barbeque and have lots of fun together as a family. My cousins and I went to our little hideaway (secret cave) where we swam for a while. Swimming in the ocean relates to the concept of Newton's Third Law, which we recently learned in class. Newton's Third Law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. In other words, if an object (A) pushes or pulls another object (B), then the other object (B) pushes or pull that object (A). In this case, I am pulling the water backward or swimming and the water is pushing me forward.
Word Count:  196

Here are some pictures of me displaying Newton's Third Law at our secret spot/cave:

Monday, October 1, 2012

2) Involving the Family with Physics

     First of all, I really wanted to use an example of one of my family members jumping off a diving board into a swimming pool at a birthday party on Sunday, but one of my cousins accidently threw up in the pool so the lifeguards had to SHUT it DOWN! Everyone was sad and mad that we couldn't swim anymore. Especially since me and my sister had just gotten there. :( Even one of the little boys at the birthday party said, "Now we have to go somewhere else to party!" That is what we did. Our family went to the beach instead of the pool. When we got home from the beach party, I realized that I still did not have an example for my blog. So I asked my younger sister if she wanted to help me and she agreed. Instead of posting a great example of Physics, I have a decent example of my sister jumping off the couch. Although this is not an amazing picture or video of a dive into a swimming pool, it is important to me because I had the opportunity to share the concept of projectile motion I learned in school with my sister. I explained to her that projectile motion is the movement of an object that is determined by an object's initial velocity and the constant acceleration of gravity. However, I had to simplify my answer to make her understand the concept better. What I really said was: "It is an object that begins to move at a certain speed then falls to the ground due to the force of gravity."

I hope whoever watches this enjoys! Please don't mind my cousin in the background; I didn't notice he was there until after I uploaded the video.
Word Count:  297