Monday, December 3, 2012

6) Projectile Motion & Water Guns

     This past Sunday afternoon my younger brothers and cousins were playing outside in the yard.  My younger brothers and cousins were having a water gun fight.  After the water gun fight I told my brother, Daysen to aim the water gun in the air and shoot water into the sky so I could take a picture of the projectile motion of the water.  However, the water ended up all over my younger brother Nilasoni, and my two cousins Issac and Keoni on the swing set.  That was such a cute and funny moment.  In physics class we learned projectile motion earlier in the course.  On the other hand, a brief reminder of projectile motion is the movement determined by an object's initial velocity and the constant acceleration of gravity.  In this case, the movement of the water is determined by the initial velocity of the water exiting the water gun and the constant acceleration of gravity.

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